Career Technical Education

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Hospitality & Tourism: Traveling the Globe


With greater disposable income and more opportunities for business travel, people are traversing the globe in growing numbers. As a result, hospitality and tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. This course will introduce students to the hospitality and tourism industry, including hotel and restaurant management, cruise ships, spas, resorts, theme parks, and other areas. Student will learn about key hospitality issues, the development and management of tourist locations, event planning, marketing, and environmental issues related to leisure and travel. The course also examines some current and future trends in the field.

Introduction to Culinary Arts


Food is all around us—we are dependent on it and we enjoy it. This course will give you the basic fundamentals to start working in the kitchen and gaining experience as you explore and establish your talents for cooking and preparing food in a creative and safe way. You will learn safety measures as well as enhance your knowledge of various types of foods and spices. If you enjoy hands-on learning and want to deepen your knowledge about culinary arts, this is a great course to start.

Hospitality & Tourism



Sports and Entertainment Marketing


Have you ever wished to play sports professionally? Have you dreamed of one day becoming an agent for a celebrity entertainer? If you answered yes to either question, then believe it or not, you’ve been fantasizing about entering the exciting world of sports and entertainment marketing. Although this particular form of marketing bears some resemblance to traditional marketing, there are many differences as well—including a lot more glitz and glamour! In this course, you’ll have the opportunity to explore basic marketing principles and delve deeper into the multi-billion dollar sports and entertainment marketing industry. You’ll learn about how professional athletes, sports teams, and well known entertainers are marketed as commodities and how some of them become billionaires as a result. If you’ve ever wondered about how things work behind the scenes of a major sporting event such as the Super Bowl or even entertained the idea of playing a role in such an event, then this course will introduce you to the fundamentals of such a career.

International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century


From geography to culture Global Business is an exciting topic in the business community today. This course is designed to help students develop the appreciation, knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to live and work in a global marketplace.It takes a global view on business, investigating why and how companies go international and are more interconnected.

The course further provides students a conceptual tool by which to understand how economic, social, cultural, political and legal factors influence both domestic and cross-border business. Business structures, global entrepreneurship, business management, marketing, and the challenges of managing international organizations will all be explored in this course. Students will cultivate a mindfulness of how history, geography, language, cultural studies, research skills, and continuing education are important in both business activities and the 21st century.

Entrepreneurship I: Starting Your Business


Do you dream of owning your own business? This course can give you a head start in learning about what you’ll need to own and operate a successful business.  Students will explore creating a business plan, financing a business, and pricing products and services.

Money Management

Header1s.5cMoney Management will offer guidance in responsible money organization skills. Topics covered in this course include various methods and approaches to saving and investing money for retirement, developing a sound budget, and eliminating debt. Students will also learn about several types of insurance, career planning, and the “ins and outs” of real estate and mortgages. This course is designed to provide a solid foundation for a lifetime of wise financial decision making.

Marketing & Advertising


Throughout this course, students will discover the various ways marketing and advertising touch their lives. Students will learn to identify customers’ desires and discover what is needed to create, advertise, and sell products to fit these needs. The course guides students to develop the skills they need as consumers and advertisers. Also, it will provide a solid foundation for those students contemplating careers in marketing, advertising, or other business-related fields.

Introduction to Business


Introduction to Business will guide students through examples of their roles as wage earners, consumers, and citizens as they explore the wide, exciting world of business. Course topics range from the extensive use of credit to the role of government in the U.S. economy. Students will be introduced to insurance, investments, communication, transportation, labor, world trade, and other issues vital to succeeding in today’s economy. Tips on career planning and job seeking promise to be especially helpful.

Business & Marketing